For a long time I’ve been using the Terminator terminal emulator on Linux machines, but last week I read a LWN article about a new emulator called Ghostty that looked interesting and I decided to give it a try.

The author sells it as a fast, feature-rich and cross-platform terminal emulator that follows the zero configuration philosophy.

Installation and configuration

I installed the debian package for Ubuntu 24.04 from the ghostty-ubuntu project and started playing with it.

The first thing I noticed is that the zero configuration part is true; I was able to use the terminal without a configuration file, although I created one to change the theme and the font size, but other than that it worked OK for me; my $HOME/.config/ghostty/config file is as simple as:

theme=/usr/share/ghostty/themes/iTerm2 Solarized Light

Starting the terminal maximized

After playing a little bit with the terminal I was turned off by the fact that there was no option to start it maximized, but is seemed to me that someone should have asked for the feature, or, if not, I could ask for it.

I did a quick search on the project and I found out that there was a merged PR that added the option, so I downloaded the source code, installed Zig and built the program on my machine.

As the change is going to be included on the next version on the package I replaced the binary with my version and started playing with the terminal.

Accessing remote machines

The first thing I noticed was that when logging into remote machines using ssh the terminal variable was not known, but on the help section of the project documentation there was an entry about how to fix it copying the terminfo configuration to remote machines, it is as simple as running the following:

infocmp -x | ssh YOUR-SERVER -- tic -x -

Dead keys on Ubuntu

With that sorted out everything looked good to me until I tried to add an accented character when editing a file and the terminal stopped working.

Again, I looked at the project issues and found one that matched what was happening to me, and it remembered me about one of the best things about actively maintained open source software.

It turns out that the issue is related to a bug on ibus, but other terminals were working right, so the ghostty developer was already working on a fix on the way the terminal handles the keyboard input on GTK, so I subscribed to the issue and stopped using ghostty until there was something new to try again (I use an Spanish keyboard map and I can’t use a terminal that does not support dead keys).

Yesterday I saw some messages about things being almost fixed, so I pulled the latest changes on my cloned repository, compiled it and writing accented characters works now, there is a small issue with the cursor (the dead key pressed is left on the block cursor unless you change the window focus), but that is something manageable for me.


I think that ghostty is a good terminal emulator and I’m going to keep using it on my laptop unless I find something annoying that I can’t work with (i hope that the cursor issue will be fixed soon and I can live with it as the only thing I need to do to recover from it is changing the widow focus, and that can be done really quickly using keyboard shortcuts).

As it is actively maintained and the developer seems to be quite active I don’t expect problems and is nice to play with new things from time to time.