This post describes how to define and use rule templates with semantic names using extends or !reference tags, how to define manual jobs using the same templates and how to use gitlab-ci inputs as macros to give names to regular expressions used by rules.

Basic rule templates

I keep my templates in a rules.yml file stored on a common repository used from different projects as I mentioned on my previous post, but they can be defined anywhere, the important thing is that the files that need them include their definition somehow.

The first version of my rules.yml file was as follows:

  # Common rules; we include them from others instead of forcing a workflow
    # Disable branch pipelines while there is an open merge request from it
    - if: >-
        $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH &&
        $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE != "merge_request_event"
      when: never

  # Default rules, we need to add the when: on_success to make things work
    - !reference [.rules_common, rules]
    - when: on_success

The main idea is that .rules_common defines a rule section to disable jobs as we can do on a workflow definition; in our case common rules only have if rules that apply to all jobs and are used to disable them. The example includes one that avoids creating duplicated jobs when we push to a branch that is the source of an open MR as explained here.

To use the rules in a job we have two options, use the extends keyword (we do that when we want to use the rule as is) or declare a rules section and add a !reference to the template we want to use as described here (we do that when we want to add additional rules to disable a job before evaluating the template conditions).

As an example, with the following definitions both jobs use the same rules:

    - .rules_default

    - !reference [.rules_default, rules]

Manual jobs and rule templates

To make the jobs manual we have two options, create a version of the job that includes when: manual and defines if we want it to be optional or not (allow_failure: true makes the job optional, if we don’t add that to the rule the job is blocking) or add the when: manual and the allow_failure value to the job (if we work at the job level the default value for allow_failure is false for when: manual, so it is optional by default, we have to add an explicit allow_failure = true it to make it blocking).

The following example shows how we define blocking or optional manual jobs using rules with when conditions:

  # Default rules for optional manual jobs
    - !reference [.rules_common, rules]
    - when: manual
      # allow_failure: false is implicit

  # Default rules for optional manual jobs
    - !reference [.rules_common, rules]
    - when: manual
      allow_failure: true

    - .rules_default_manual_blocking

    - .rules_default_manual_optional

The problem here is that we have to create new versions of the same rule template to add the conditions, but we can avoid it using the keywords at the job level with the original rules to get the same effect; the following definitions create jobs equivalent to the ones defined earlier without creating additional templates:

    - .rules_default
  when: manual
  allow_failure: false

    - .rules_default
  when: manual
  # allow_failure: true is implicit

As you can imagine, that is my preferred way of doing it, as it keeps the rules.yml file smaller and I see that the job is manual in its definition without problem.

Rules with allow_failure, changes, exists, needs or variables

Unluckily for us, for now there is no way to avoid creating additional templates as we did on the when: manual case when a rule is similar to an existing one but adds changes, exists, needs or variables to it.

So, for now, if a rule needs to add any of those fields we have to copy the original rule and add the keyword section.

Some notes, though:

  • we only need to add allow_failure if we want to change its value for a given condition, in other cases we can set the value at the job level.
  • if we are adding changes to the rule it is important to make sure that they are going to be evaluated as explained here.
  • when we add a needs value to a rule for a specific condition and it matches it replaces the job needs section; when using templates I would use two different job names with different conditions instead of adding a needs on a single job.

Defining rule templates with semantic names

I started to use rule templates to avoid repetition when defining jobs that needed the same rules and soon I noticed that giving them names with a semantic meaning they where easier to use and understand (we provide a name that tells us when we are going to execute the job, while the details of the variables names or values used on the rules are an implementation detail of the templates).

We are not going to define real jobs on this post, but as an example we are going to define a set of rules that can be useful if we plan to follow a scaled trunk based development workflow when developing, that is, we are going to put the releasable code on the main branch and use short-lived branches to test and complete changes before pushing things to main.

Using this approach we can define an initial set of rule templates with semantic names:

    - !reference [.rules_common, rules]

    - !reference [.rules_common, rules]
    - if: >-
        $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == 'main'
        $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE != 'merge_request_event'

    - !reference [.rules_common, rules]
    - if: >-
        $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == 'main'
        $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE != 'merge_request_event'

    - !reference [.rules_common, rules]
    - if: >-
        $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH != 'main'
        $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE != 'merge_request_event'

    - !reference [.rules_push_to_branch, rules]
    - if: >-

    - !reference [.rules_common, rules]
    - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG =~ /^([0-9a-zA-Z_.-]+-)?v\d+.\d+.\d+$/

    - !reference [.rules_common, rules]
    - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG !~ /^([0-9a-zA-Z_.-]+-)?v\d+.\d+.\d+$/

With those names it is clear when a job is going to be executed and when using the templates on real jobs we can add additional restrictions and make the execution manual if needed as described earlier.

Using inputs as macros

On the previous rules we have used a regular expression to identify the release tag format and assumed that the general branches are the ones with a name different than main; if we want to force a format for those branch names we can replace the condition != 'main' by a regex comparison (=~ if we look for matches, !~ if we want to define valid branch names removing the invalid ones).

When testing the new gitlab-ci inputs my colleague Jorge noticed that if you keep their default value they basically work as macros.

The variables declared as inputs can’t hold YAML values, the truth is that their value is always a string that is replaced by the value assigned to them when including the file (if given) or by their default value, if defined.

If you don’t assign a value to an input variable when including the file that declares it its occurrences are replaced by its default value, making them work basically as macros; this is useful for us when working with strings that can’t managed as variables, like the regular expressions used inside if conditions.

With those two ideas we can add the following prefix to the rules.yaml defining inputs for both regular expressions and replace the rules that can use them by the ones shown here:

    # Regular expression for branches; the prefix matches the type of changes
    # we plan to work on inside the branch (we use conventional commit types as
    # the branch prefix)
      default: '/^(build|ci|chore|docs|feat|fix|perf|refactor|style|test)\/.+$/'
    # Regular expression for tags
      default: '/^([0-9a-zA-Z_.-]+-)?v\d+.\d+.\d+$/'

    - !reference [.rules_common, rules]
    - if: >-
        $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH =~ $[[ inputs.branch_regex ]]
        $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE != 'merge_request_event'

    - !reference [.rules_push_to_branch, rules]
    - if: >-
         $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME =~ $[[ inputs.branch_regex ]]

    - !reference [.rules_common, rules]
    - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG =~ $[[ inputs.release_tag_regex ]]

    - !reference [.rules_common, rules]
    - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG !~ $[[ inputs.release_tag_regex ]]

Creating rules reusing existing ones

I’m going to finish this post with a comment about how I avoid defining extra rule templates in some common cases.

The idea is simple, we can use !reference tags to fine tune rules when we need to add conditions to disable them simply adding conditions with when: never before referencing the template.

As an example, in some projects I’m using different job definitions depending on the DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT value to make the job manual or automatic; as we just said we can define different jobs referencing the same rule adding a condition to check if the environment is the one we are interested in:

    # Only deploy automatically if the environment is 'dev' by skipping this job
    # for other values of the DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT variable
    - if: $DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT != "dev"
      when: never
    - !reference [.rules_release_tag, rules]

    # Disable this job if the environment is 'dev'
    - if: $DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT == "dev"
      when: never
    - !reference [.rules_release_tag, rules]
  when: manual
  # Change this to `false` to make the deployment job blocking
  allow_failure: true

If you think about it the idea of adding negative conditions is what we do with the .rules_common template; we add conditions to disable the job before evaluating the real rules.

The difference in that case is that we reference them at the beginning because we want those negative conditions on all jobs and that is also why we have a .rules_default condition with an when: on_success for the jobs that only need to respect the default workflow (we need the last condition to make sure that they are executed if the negative rules don’t match).