Last week I decided I wanted to try out forgejo actions to build this blog instead of using webhooks, so I looked the documentation and started playing with it until I had it working as I wanted.

This post is to describe how I’ve installed and configured a forgejo runner, how I’ve added an oci organization to my instance to build, publish and mirror container images and added a couple of additional organizations (actions and docker for now) to mirror interesting actions.

The changes made to build the site using actions will be documented on a separate post, as I’ll be using this entry to test the new setup on the blog project.

Installing the runner

The first thing I’ve done is to install a runner on my server, I decided to use the OCI image installation method, as it seemed to be the easiest and fastest one.

The commands I’ve used to setup the runner are the following:

$ cd /srv
$ git clone
$ cd forgejo-runner
$ sh ./bin/

The script does multiple things:

  • create a forgejo-runner user and group
  • create the necessary directories for the runner
  • create a .runner file with a predefined secret and the docker label

The code is available here.

After running the script the runner has to be registered with the forgejo server, it can be done using the following command:

$ forgejo forgejo-cli actions register --name "$RUNNER_NAME" \
    --secret "$FORGEJO_SECRET"

The RUNNER_NAME variable is defined on the script and the FORGEJO_SECRET must match the value used on the .runner file.

Starting it with docker-compose

To launch the runner I’m going to use a docker-compose.yml file that starts two containers, a docker in docker service to run the containers used by the workflow jobs and another one that runs the forgejo-runner itself.

The initial version used a TCP port to communicate with the dockerd server from the runner, but when I tried to build images from a workflow I noticed that the containers launched by the runner were not going to be able to execute another dockerd inside the dind one and, even if they were, it was going to be expensive computationally.

To avoid the issue I modified the dind service to use a unix socket on a shared volume that can be used by the runner service to communicate with the daemon and also re-shared with the job containers so the dockerd server can be used from them to build images.


The use of the same docker server that runs the jobs from them has security implications, but this instance is for a home server where I am the only user, so I am not worried about it and this way I can save some resources (in fact, I could use the host docker server directly instead of using a dind service, but just in case I want to run other containers on the host I prefer to keep the one used for the runner isolated from it).

For those concerned about sharing the same server an alternative would be to launch a second dockerd only for the jobs (i.e. actions-dind) using the same approach (the volume with its socket will have to be shared with the runner service so it can be re-shared, but the runner does not need to use it).

The final docker-compose.yaml file is as follows:

    image: docker:dind
    container_name: 'dind'
    privileged: 'true'
    command: ['dockerd', '-H', 'unix:///dind/docker.sock', '-G', '$RUNNER_GID']
    restart: 'unless-stopped'
      - ./dind:/dind
    image: ''
      - dind
        condition: service_started
    container_name: 'runner'
      DOCKER_HOST: 'unix:///dind/docker.sock'
      - ./config.yaml:/config.yaml
      - ./data:/data
      - ./dind:/dind
    restart: 'unless-stopped'
    command: '/bin/sh -c "sleep 5; forgejo-runner daemon -c /config.yaml"'

There are multiple things to comment about this file:

  1. The dockerd server is started with the -H unix:///dind/docker.sock flag to use the unix socket to communicate with the daemon instead of using a TCP port (as said, it is faster and allows us to share the socket with the containers started by the runner).
  2. We are running the dockerd daemon with the RUNNER_GID group so the runner can communicate with it (the socket gets that group which is the same used by the runner).
  3. The runner container mounts three volumes: the data directory, the dind folder where docker creates the unix socket and a config.yaml file used by us to change the default runner configuration.

The config.yaml file was originally created using the forgejo-runner:

$ docker run --rm \
    forgejo-runner generate-config > config.yaml

The changes to it are minimal, the runner capacity has been increased to 2 (that allows it to run two jobs at the same time) and the /dind/docker.sock value has been added to the valid_volumes key to allow the containers launched by the runner to mount it when needed; the diff against the default version is as follows:

@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
   # Where to store the registration result.
   file: .runner
   # Execute how many tasks concurrently at the same time.
-  capacity: 1
+  # STO: Allow 2 concurrent tasks
+  capacity: 2
   # Extra environment variables to run jobs.
     A_TEST_ENV_NAME_1: a_test_env_value_1
@@ -87,7 +88,9 @@
   # If you want to allow any volume, please use the following configuration:
   # valid_volumes:
   #   - '**'
-  valid_volumes: []
+  # STO: Allow to mount the /dind/docker.sock on the containers
+  valid_volumes:
+    - /dind/docker.sock
   # overrides the docker client host with the specified one.
   # If "-" or "", an available docker host will automatically be found.
   # If "automount", an available docker host will automatically be found and ...

To start the runner we export the RUNNER_UID and RUNNER_GID variables and call docker-compose up to start the containers on the background:

$ RUNNER_UID="$(id -u forgejo-runner)" RUNNER_GID="$(id -g forgejo-runner)" \
    docker compose up -d

If the server was configured right we are now able to start using actions with this runner.

Preparing the system to run things locally

To avoid unnecessary network traffic we are going to create a multiple organizations in our forgejo instance to maintain our own actions and container images and mirror remote ones.

The rationale behind the mirror use is that we reduce a lot the need to connect to remote servers to download the actions and images, which is good for performance and security reasons.

In fact, we are going to build our own images for some things to install the tools we want without needing to do it over and over again on the workflow jobs.

Mirrored actions

The actions we are mirroring are on the actions and docker organizations, we have created the following ones for now (the mirrors were created using the forgejo web interface and we have disabled manually all the forgejo modules except the code one for them):

To use our actions by default (i.e., without needing to add the server URL on the uses keyword) we have added the following section to the app.ini file of our forgejo server:

ENABLED = true

Setting up credentials to push images

To be able to push images to the oci organization I’ve created a token with package:write permission for my own user because I’m a member of the organization and I’m authorized to publish packages on it (a different user could be created, but as I said this is for personal use, so there is no need to complicate things for now).

To allow the use of those credentials on the actions I have added a secret (REGISTRY_PASS) and a variable (REGISTRY_USER) to the oci organization to allow the actions to use them.

I’ve also logged myself on my local docker client to be able to push images to the oci group by hand, as I it is needed for bootstrapping the system (as I’m using local images on the worflows I need to push them to the server before running the ones that are used to build the images).

Local and mirrored images

Our images will be stored on the packages section of a new organization called oci, inside it we have created two projects that use forgejo actions to keep things in shape:

  • images: contains the source files used to generate our own images and the actions to build, tag and push them to the oci organization group.
  • mirrors: contains a configuration file for the regsync tool to mirror containers and an action to run it.

On the next sections we are going to describe the actions and images we have created and mirrored from those projects.

The oci/images project

The images project is a monorepo that contains the source files for the images we are going to build and a couple of actions.

The image sources are on sub directories of the repository, to be considered an image the folder has to contain a Dockerfile that will be used to build the image.

The repository has two workflows:

  • build-image-from-tag: Workflow to build, tag and push an image to the oci organization
  • multi-semantic-release: Workflow to create tags for the images using the multi-semantic-release tool.

As the workflows are already configured to use some of our images we pushed some of them from a checkout of the repository using the following commands:

for img in alpine-mixinet node-mixinet multi-semantic-release; do
  docker build -t $registry/$img:1.0.0 $img
  docker tag $registry/$img:1.0.0 $registry/$img:latest
  docker push $registry/$img:1.0.0
  docker push $registry/$img:latest

On the next sub sections we will describe what the workflows do and will show their source code.

build-image-from-tag workflow

This workflow uses a docker client to build an image from a tag on the repository with the format image-name-v[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]+.

As the runner is executed on a container (instead of using lxc) it seemed unreasonable to run another dind container from that one, that is why, after some tests, I decided to share the dind service server socket with the runner container and enabled the option to mount it also on the containers launched by the runner when needed (I only do it on the build-image-from-tag action for now).

The action was configured to run using a trigger or when new tags with the right format were created, but when the tag is created by multi-semantic-release the trigger does not work for some reason, so now it only runs the job on triggers and checks if it is launched for a tag with the right format on the job itself.

The source code of the action is as follows:

name: build-image-from-tag
    # Don't build the image if the registry credentials are not set, the ref is not a tag or it doesn't contain '-v'
    if: ${{ vars.REGISTRY_USER != '' && secrets.REGISTRY_PASS != '' && startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/') && contains(github.ref, '-v') }}
    runs-on: docker
      # Mount the dind socket on the container at the default location
      options: -v /dind/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - name: Extract image name and tag from git and get registry name from env
        id: job_data
        run: |
          echo "::set-output name=img_name::${GITHUB_REF_NAME%%-v*}"
          echo "::set-output name=img_tag::${GITHUB_REF_NAME##*-v}"
          echo "::set-output name=registry::$(
            echo "${{ github.server_url }}" | sed -e 's%https://%%'
          echo "::set-output name=oci_registry_prefix::$(
            echo "${{ github.server_url }}/oci" | sed -e 's%https://%%'
      - name: Checkout the repo
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Export build dir and Dockerfile
        id: build_data
        run: |
          img="${{ steps.job_data.outputs.img_name }}"
          if [ -f "$dockerfile" ]; then
            echo "::set-output name=build_dir::$build_dir"
            echo "::set-output name=dockerfile::$dockerfile"
            echo "Couldn't find the Dockerfile for the '$img' image"
            exit 1
      - name: Login to the Container Registry
        uses: docker/login-action@v3
          registry: ${{ steps.job_data.outputs.registry }}
          username: ${{ vars.REGISTRY_USER }}
          password: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_PASS }}
      - name: Set up Docker Buildx
        uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
      - name: Build and Push
        uses: docker/build-push-action@v6
          push: true
          tags: |
            ${{ steps.job_data.outputs.oci_registry_prefix }}/${{ steps.job_data.outputs.img_name }}:${{ steps.job_data.outputs.img_tag }}
            ${{ steps.job_data.outputs.oci_registry_prefix }}/${{ steps.job_data.outputs.img_name }}:latest
          context: ${{ steps.build_data.outputs.build_dir }}
          file: ${{ steps.build_data.outputs.dockerfile }}
          build-args: |
            OCI_REGISTRY_PREFIX=${{ steps.job_data.outputs.oci_registry_prefix }}/

Some notes about this code:

  1. The if condition of the build job is not perfect, but it is good enough to avoid wrong uses as long as nobody uses manual tags with the wrong format and expects things to work (it checks if the REGISTRY_USER and REGISTRY_PASS variables are set, if the ref is a tag and if it contains the -v string).
  2. To be able to access the dind socket we mount it on the container using the options key on the container section of the job (this only works if supported by the runner configuration as explained before).
  3. We use the job_data step to get information about the image from the tag and the registry URL from the environment variables, it is executed first because all the information is available without checking out the repository.
  4. We use the job_data step to get the build dir and Dockerfile paths from the repository (right now we are assuming fixed paths and checking if the Dockerfile exists, but in the future we could use a configuration file to get them, if needed).
  5. As we are using a docker daemon that is already running there is no need to use the docker/setup-docker-action to install it.
  6. On the build and push step we pass the OCI_REGISTRY_PREFIX build argument to the Dockerfile to be able to use it on the FROM instruction (we are using it in our images).

multi-semantic-release workflow

This workflow is used to run the multi-semantic-release tool on pushes to the main branch.

It is configured to create the configuration files on the fly (it prepares things to tag the folders that contain a Dockerfile using a couple of template files available on the repository’s .forgejo directory) and run the multi-semantic-release tool to create tags and push them to the repository if new versions are to be built.

Initially we assumed that the tag creation pushed by multi-semantic-release would be enough to run the build-tagged-image-task action, but as it didn’t work we removed the rule to run the action on tag creation and added code to trigger the action using an api call for the newly created tags (we get them from the output of the multi-semantic-release execution).

The source code of the action is as follows:

name: multi-semantic-release
      - 'main'
    runs-on: docker
      - name: Checkout the repo
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Generate multi-semantic-release configuration
        shell: sh
        run: |
          # Get the list of images to work with (the folders that have a Dockerfile)
          images="$(for img in */Dockerfile; do dirname "$img"; done)"
          # Generate a values.yaml file for the main packages.json file
          echo "images:" >"$package_json_values_yaml"
          for img in $images; do
            echo " - $img" >>"$package_json_values_yaml"
          echo "::group::Generated values.yaml for the project"
          cat "$package_json_values_yaml"
          echo "::endgroup::"
          # Generate the package.json file validating that is a good json file with jq
          tmpl -f "$package_json_values_yaml" ".forgejo/package.json.tmpl" | jq . > "package.json"
          echo "::group::Generated package.json for the project"
          cat "package.json"
          echo "::endgroup::"
          # Remove the temporary values file
          rm -f "$package_json_values_yaml"
          # Generate the package.json file for each image
          for img in $images; do
            tmpl -v "img_name=$img" -v "img_path=$img" ".forgejo/ws-package.json.tmpl" | jq . > "$img/package.json"
            echo "::group::Generated package.json for the '$img' image"
            cat "$img/package.json"
            echo "::endgroup::"
      - name: Run multi-semantic-release
        shell: sh
        run: |
          multi-semantic-release | tee .multi-semantic-release.log
      - name: Trigger builds
        shell: sh
        run: |
          # Get the list of tags published on the previous steps
            sed -n -e 's/^\[.*\] \[\(.*\)\] .* Published release \([0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\) on .*$/\1-v\2/p' \
          rm -f .multi-semantic-release.log
          if [ "$tags" ]; then
            # Prepare the url for building the images
            dispatch_url="${{ github.api_url }}/repos/${{ github.repository }}/actions/workflows/$workflow/dispatches"
            echo "$tags" | while read -r tag; do
              echo "Triggering build for tag '$tag'"
              curl \
                -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
                -H "Authorization: token ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" \
                -d "{\"ref\":\"$tag\"}" "$dispatch_url"

Notes about this code:

  1. The use of the tmpl tool to process the multi-semantic-release configuration templates comes from previous uses, but on this case we could use a different approach (i.e. envsubst could be used) but we left it because it keeps things simple and can be useful in the future if we want to do more complex things with the template files.
  2. We use tee to show and dump to a file the output of the multi-semantic-release execution.
  3. We get the list of pushed tags using sed against the output of the multi-semantic-release execution and for each one found we use curl to call the forgejo API to trigger the build job; as the call is against the same project we can use the GITHUB_TOKEN generated for the workflow to do it, without creating a user token that has to be shared as a secret.

The .forgejo/package.json.tmpl file is the following one:

  "name": "multi-semantic-release",
  "version": "0.0.0-semantically-released",
  "private": true,
  "multi-release": {
    "tagFormat": "${name}-v${version}"
  "workspaces": {{ .images | toJson }}

As can be seen it only needs a list of paths to the images as argument (the file we generate contains the names and paths, but it could be simplified).

And the .forgejo/ws-package.json.tmpl file is the following one:

  "name": "{{ .img_name }}",
  "license": "UNLICENSED",
  "release": {
    "plugins": [
          "preset": "conventionalcommits",
          "releaseRules": [
            { "breaking": true, "release": "major" },
            { "revert": true, "release": "patch" },
            { "type": "feat", "release": "minor" },
            { "type": "fix", "release": "patch" },
            { "type": "perf", "release": "patch" }
          "replacements": [
              "files": [ "{{ .img_path }}/msr.yaml" ],
              "from": "^version:.*$",
              "to": "version: ${nextRelease.version}",
              "allowEmptyPaths": true
          "assets": [ "msr.yaml" ],
          "message": "ci(release): {{ .img_name }}-v${nextRelease.version}\n\n${nextRelease.notes}"
    "branches": [ "main" ]

The oci/mirrors project

The repository contains a template for the configuration file we are going to use with regsync (regsync.envsubst.yml) to mirror images from remote registries using a workflow that generates a configuration file from the template and runs the tool.

The initial version of the regsync.envsubst.yml file is prepared to mirror alpine containers from version 3.21 to 3.29 (we explicitly remove version 3.20) and needs the image to run (as explained before it was pushed manually to the server):

version: 1
  - registry: "$REGISTRY"
    user: "$REGISTRY_USER"
    pass: "$REGISTRY_PASS"
  - source: alpine
    target: $REGISTRY/oci/alpine
    type: repository
        - "latest"
        - "3\\.2\\d+"
        - "3\\.2\\d+.\\d+"
        - "3\\.20"
        - "3\\.20.\\d+"

mirror workflow

The mirror workflow creates a configuration file replacing the value of the REGISTRY environment variable (computed by removing the protocol from the server_url), the REGISTRY_USER organization value and the REGISTRY_PASS secret using the envsubst command and running the regsync tool to mirror the images using the configuration file.

The action is configured to run daily, on push events when the regsync.envsubst.yml file is modified on the main branch and can also be triggered manually.

The source code of the action is as follows:

name: mirror
    - cron: '@daily'
      - main
      - 'regsync.envsubst.yml'
    if: ${{ vars.REGISTRY_USER != '' && secrets.REGISTRY_PASS != '' }}
    runs-on: docker
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Sync images
        run: |
          REGISTRY="$(echo "${{ github.server_url }}" | sed -e 's%https://%%')" \
          REGISTRY_USER="${{ vars.REGISTRY_USER }}" \
          REGISTRY_PASS="${{ secrets.REGISTRY_PASS }}" \
            envsubst <regsync.envsubst.yml >.regsync.yml
          regsync --config .regsync.yml once
          rm -f .regsync.yml


We have installed a forgejo-runner and configured it to run actions for our own server and things are working fine.

This approach allows us to have a powerful CI/CD system on a modest home server, something very useful for maintaining personal projects and playing with things without needing SaaS platforms like github or gitlab.